Movie Trilogy Bracketology

My Trilogy Kicks Your Trilogy's AssThe month of March is all but over. The talk of brackets and the NCAA tournament, however, is far from over. If you are like me, then you couldn’t care less for the madness. I appreciate the passion and excitement (I really do!) which is why I have put together a tournament for the beloved Farsighteders… Behold, the MOVIE TRILOGY BRACKET!

Note: Forgive the very unbalanced nature of the seedings and the fact that  “loose” trilogies are included. Respond with your results in the comments below and let the best trilogy win!

Honorable Mentions: The Godfather, The Karate Kid, The Naked Gun, Pirates of the Caribbean, Iron Man

The Seeding

Region 1:

(1) Star Wars (Original) VS. (8) Jersey Trilogy

(2) Back to the Future VS. (7) The Mighty Ducks

(3) Dark Knight VS. (6) Terminator

(4) Indiana Jones VS. (5) X-Men

Region 2:

(1) Lord of the Rings VS. (8) Spiderman

(2) Toy Story VS. (7) Hannibal Lecter

(3) The Matrix VS. (6) Star Wars (Prequels)

(4) The Evil Dead VS. (5) Die Hard


Round 1 Results (winner in bold)

Region 1:

(1) Star Wars (Original) VS. (8) Jersey Trilogy

(2) Back to the Future VS. (7) The Mighty Ducks

(3) Dark Knight VS. (6) Terminator

(4) Indiana Jones VS. (5) X-Men

“What kind of convenience store do you run here?”

Many of us older Millennials grew into our adulthood with the help of Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy, so it was tough to see the Jersey Trilogy take a bow. Terminator should have never been made into a trilogy and the Ducks had Cinderella written all over them but Doc and Marty live to see another day. The only upset here is X-Men advancing to the next round over Indiana Jones. The deciding factor is the very annoying cast of characters who accompany Mr. Jones in Temple of Doom. Although the third installment of X-Men feels rushed, the entire series is solid and does the job.

Region 2:

(1) Lord of the Rings VS. (8) Spiderman

(2) Toy Story VS. (7) Hannibal Lecter

(3) The Matrix VS. (6) Star Wars (Prequels)

(4) The Evil Dead VS. (5) Die Hard

“Yippee Ki Yay”

LotR demolishes Spidey. I have no doubt, though, that the current reboot will revive the franchise and we will see Spiderman at a higher seeding in future brackets. Toy Story is so groundbreaking that even Hannibal Lecter couldn’t eat his way through to the next round (there is too much plastic for him to deal with). The Matrix against the Star Wars prequels is my favorite matchup to ponder (and is very much still up for debate), but the battle of over-saturated CGI blockbusters goes to Anakin’s backstory. And to round it out, John McClane couldn’t handle the undead.


Round 2 Results

Region 1:

(1) Star Wars (Original) VS. (3) Dark Knight

(2) Back to the Future VS. (5) X-Men

DK has fought a tough battle and in the end, Luke and co. are able to break Batman’s back (but give me Heath Ledger’s Joker any day). BREAKING: Doc and Marty have to bring their DeLorean in for a tune-up after a rough outing with the mutants. Logan would have faired better against the time travelers on his own.

Region 2:

(1) Lord of the Rings VS. (6) Star Wars (Prequels)

(2) Toy Story VS. (4) The Evil Dead

Too much epicosity for the Star Wars prequels to handle against LotR. Woody and Buzz will be ready for a huge showdown in the next round after cleverly evading the zombie apocalypse.


Final Four

Region 1:

(1) Star Wars (Original) VS. (2) Back to the Future

Star Wars shows no mercy here. So much for The Power of Love. And hover-boards.

Region 2:

(1) Lord of the Rings VS. (2) Toy Story

Toy Story does the unthinkable and dethrones LotR. Perhaps this is the “dad” in me thinking this one through…


The Championship Round

(1) Star Wars (Original) VS. (2) Toy Story

There’s really no loser here (except for me) as George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy hits bracketology pay dirt. Both trilogies are more than enjoyable and have set the bar pretty damn high for movies in their respective genres. Now that Star Wars belongs to Disney

“A toy, you are not.”
Social Media Guru / Running Man Champion
A programmer who once played the part of Othello in college, taught English to high school students, and ate two entire plates of disco fries in one sitting, Efren (aka "eslice") has been contributing to The Farsighted since its inception. When he's not working the command line or writing up his weekly Follow Friday, he's strumming on his acoustic guitar - but be on the lookout for his infamous bathroom stall serenades. You've been warned.

"Censorship, Google, and Channing Tatum."
- George Washington, when asked what three things would change the landscape of our future.
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