That We Smiled in the Dark
So I asked, foolishly, what was ahead
I needed to steady the wheel.
There’s a storm a brewin’, you see
Insurmountable crests that are meant for man nor beast
Times when the least left to offer will be the most I have to give
Broke down
A spanked vision will speak wonders
Beautiful attempts pre-failure will prove success
Tomorrow will be yesterday’s expanse. Void.
Hoping for the pronoun to provide inspiration
Less is more is more is more
Can’t fight the dimming much longer
Previous forgiveness metered out in kind words
Look here is a distraction while courage is gathered
I made a point of sharpened lead that was dulled by the eventual pink end
Number 2…for sure
You look in the black orbs for depth, when there’s only…
I shalln’t make false promises…no witness here
Hope is the dirtiest of four lettered wishes
We arise, set forth again
Beached on the ideal
The burn that is progress. The relief that is growth
Managed is the best to be hoped for
Such and so forth and so forth
Here’s to the peak