Curtain Jerkers, Episode 27: The Whole F’n Show with the Great CHARLIE TIGER

Before we dive into the episode, have you seen our badass logo? Awesome designer Trais Colton Barhaug rocked that for us and you should go support him now! T-shirts, pins, and stickers are on their way.

Thanks to Justin’s long time friend, Kwalified, a diehard wrestling fan and dope emcee hailing from Hawaii, for our great intro song.

Before we kick off this episode, we’d like to congratulate @malikibeats on Twitter/X for winning our swag giveaway! Thanks for the support.

Speaking of thanks, we’ve got to thank this episode’s guest, indie wrestling star and long time member of Young Dumb & Broke, the one and only Charlie Tiger, who you can follow on Twitter at and Instagram at

Charlie wanted to talk one of his all-time faves, “The Whole F’in Show” Rob Van Dam. He and Doug picked some iconic matches for us all to discuss and Doug introduces us all to 1997’s Bloodmoon, in which RVD “stars” as one of the main villains victims. Charlie shares some fun insight, Doug plays historian, and Justin… well… he’s there, too.

Enjoy the show and remember to follow Charlie so you can check out his various escapades and matches all over North America and beyond!

Doug is back on Twitter and his other podcasts never left, Cinema Smorgasbord and No-Budget Nightmares

Follow Justin on Twitter and check out his writings here and at Cinapse.

Follow Curtain Jerkers on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is available now on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast platforms. If you can’t find it somewhere that you prefer listening, just comment below or email Justin and he’ll fix that. You can also subscribe by adding the feed URL to your podcast app:

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