Misspent Matinee Tackles Gory Genre Classic ROBOCOP (31 Days, Day 8)
Dr. Robin here and we are back with a new episode of Misspent Matinee.
You will notice my absence because I am 9 months pregnant, getting everything ready for the new baby. In the midst of all this madness, Blaine and Kris sat down to discuss a very special movie from a very special year. The movie in question is Robocop and the year is 1987. This violent and funny film made a huge impression on these two and I still don’t really get it. But that doesn’t really matter, because they also discuss their top 5 films of 1987. They go on and on about this year and probably use the word “nostalgia” twenty or thirty times.
If you do make it through all of this you will get to hear from a very special guest, my son named Mac (whom I co-parent with Blaine). He chimes in and gives his adorable review of Monster Squad.
Thank you for listening and don’t forget to subscribe to all of the great shows on The Farsighted Network!