EARLY MORNING CALM is Coming and You Can Help!

Brian Dorton has been making films for going on two decades, with his first feature in 2011. His latest looks like a bloody good time and there’s still some time for you to get involved. Check out this brief interview on the film and his Kickstarter below… and stay tuned here for future info on the film including more interviews and reviews!

Hey Brian, was great meeting you online the other day and hearing a bit about your new film. Let’s start with the basics. Who is Brian Dorton and leading up to this project, what else have you been making and doing?

It’s great meeting you as well. I made my first full length feature Trashology in 2011 but before that my film partner in crime Douglas Conner and I made about 40 short films all through the 00s. We wanted to develop our skills before tackling a feature. Since we have made 5 more features films which has lead us up to this new film Early Morning Calm.

So, tell us about this new project?

In the mid 1980’s a family goes on a road trip to spread their fathers ashes. They run into trouble and end up at a strange farmhouse inhabited by a deranged cannibal family. This one stars Lynn Lowry, Lucas Dunaway, and my core actors Dixie Gers, Douglas Conner and Gerica Horn.

You start filming soon, right? What are you most excited or anxious about?

Yes we begin in April on principle photography. I’m excited to work with new people, old friends and getting bloody. But anxiety does run high when your a project lead. My biggest concern is working out so many different schedules with actors and crew so we can be as efficient as possible.

We’ll definitely check back in during the filming process and when the film comes out, but right now I wanted to check in a bit about your Kickstarter. Tell me about that and how it’s going?

We’re about 85% there. The goal is low as far as budgets go for making a movie. I’ve spent thousands of my own money. It would be nice to recuperate. But I’ve never made a film expecting to make much money. If it happens that’s great but I don’t think I’ll ever stop even if I say I might occasionally. We will be doing other fundraising to help with many things.

You’re coming down to the homestretch, if folks wanna help you get over the hump, what are some of the available levels still left?

As far as perks we have producer credits, cameos, merchandise like Blu-rays, t-shirts, action figures (which people can ask about)… I’m also offering featured extras in a scene with Lynn Lowry.

For those who can’t help financially but still wanna support your film, what can they do to help?

Post the poster on social media with Kickstarter link and just let people know about it.

And where can folks follow the production and what you have going on?

I created a new group called reel EPIC entertainment on Facebook where I’ll be posting info, onset photos, and videos.

Go support Early Morning Calm at Kickstarter and follow EPIC Entertainment on Facebook!

Justin has been running websites since his first Geocities site in 1994, but only did he ever start covering anything of substance years later. After he stopped regularly running local concerts in Northern NJ and the greater Philly area, he knew he needed to step up his writing game if he expected to continue to get free music to listen to. He writes regularly here and at Cinapse, as well as contributing to a few other sites on occasion. He likes music, film, the Philadelphia Eagles, the 76ers, talking about Criminal Justice, reading Intelligence Report, and his family... not in that order. His beautiful wife is far more talented than he is and his kids far more adorable... and crazy.
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