BUFF 2019: KNIFE+HEART is a Neo-Giallo Masterpiece

Knife + Heart, a neo-giallo effort by Yann Gonzalez is amazing, simply an amazing film. The film is about a string of murders that takes place amongst a trope of actors making gay porn films in 1979 and it’s director, Annie, tries to figure out who is doing it all the while she pines for her lost love.

This is art house giallo at it’s finest, the visuals are sumptuous to the eyes, the soundtrack is food for the ears along with it’s dream like state makes this a breath taking film. Giallo fans will love the story and how the murders come out of the blue, however do not let the the gay porn subplot turn you off to this film, it’s worth the watch and the running time of 110 mins doesn’t drag it out either.

With any other giallo or murder mystery film, I would turn it into a game of trying to figure who was doing the killings… but with Knife + Heart I just let it take me where it wanted me to go – with awesome results.

This film is a standout in the new wave of giallo films that come out in the last few years that has celebrated their old school processor while craved a new path for themselves. The ending of the film blew me away in a way that no other giallo films ever did before. In closing, I hope to see great things in the future with the director. Kudos to all involved with a masterpiece of a film.

Kenny Fasolo
I'm a grumpy loudmouthed horror fan born in upstate NY, now living in South New Jersey with my girl. When I'm not mouthing off about horror, I also talk about wrestling, Eagles football, and the current state of America.
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